Chamilo Stats
Worldwide use of *just* (1 out of 70k+ portals) [2020]
Total Chamilo portals installed (cumulative, by month) [2025-03-28]
Total Chamilo user accounts created (cumulative, by month) [2025-03-28]
Total Chamilo courses created (cumulative, by month) [2025-03-28]
Total Chamilo course-sessions created (cumulative, by month) [2025-03-28]
(*) Last 26 months. Months between 2017-09 and 2018-03 had a logic issue, fixed at the end of 2018-03.
Ranges of portal sizes (in users) [2025-03-28]
Top 20 default portal languages(**) [2025-03-28]
(**) Only portals with more than 65 users updated over the last 26 months
Versions installed [2025-03-28]
Courses created per Chamilo version [2025-03-28]
Users created per Chamilo version [2025-03-28]
Total Chamilo portals installed (cumulative, by year) [2025-03-28]
Total Chamilo user accounts created (cumulative, by year) [2025-03-28]
New Chamilo user accounts created each month [2025-03-28]